Calorie deficit for weight loss: How it works, tips, and safety

Meal plate, calculator, keyboard
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

Calorie counting is an essential tool in managing body weight, whether the goal is to lose, gain, or maintain weight. A scientific approach to calorie counting involves understanding and applying fundamental principles of nutrition science to everyday dietary choices. The FoodIntake app uses these scientific principles in its calorie tracking features, using trusted scientific sources.

To Lose Weight

A fundamental principle for weight loss is creating a caloric deficit, meaning that the number of calories consumed is less than the number of calories expended by the body. The cited sources suggest a daily caloric deficit of 500–750 calories for effective weight loss. This approach is carefully integrated into the FoodIntake app's algorithms, ensuring users can set realistic and healthy weight loss goals.

To Gain Weight

Conversely, for weight gain, an individual needs to consume more calories than the body burns. An additional 300 to 500 calories per day is recommended for healthy weight gain. The FoodIntake app allows users to adjust their caloric intake goals to reflect these needs, supporting a balanced approach to gaining weight.

Scientific Foundations

The app's calculations are grounded in the concept of the Estimated Energy Requirement (EER), which represents the average dietary energy intake that maintains energy balance in an individual, considering their age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity level. The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) are also considered, providing a framework for the proportion of calories that should come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to reduce the risk of chronic diseases while ensuring nutrient sufficiency.

The process of determining an individual's EER is described as a two-step approach: selecting the appropriate EER equation and then adjusting energy intake based on changes in body weight over time. The correct Physical Activity Level (PAL) category is crucial in this equation, emphasising the importance of accounting for an individual's lifestyle and activity level in their dietary planning.

Calorie Deficit Calculator

FoodIntake performs the same calculations, stores a user's progress, and allows for dynamic adjustment of selected deficits and parameters at any time in the user's preferences.

DRI Calculator for Healthcare Professionals | National Agricultural Library


The FoodIntake app's approach to calorie counting is deeply rooted in scientific evidence and guidelines, offering users a reliable and effective tool for managing their dietary goals. By adhering to established dietary reference intakes and incorporating critical concepts like EER, AMDR, PAL and BMI the app ensures a comprehensive and health-focused approach to diet planning, crucial for achieving and maintaining optimal health outcomes.

FoodIntake recipe nutrition calculator app

It is armed with AI for figuring out calories in a recipe, as well as to calculate nutritional information for recipe.

FoodIntake App

Embrace the smart way to track your eating habits with FoodIntake
